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AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:40 pm
by Lisacooper91
So, only 4 days to go until Alice Cooper's gig in Bonn, Germany!
Who else will be attending? Love to meet some SickThings!

I am going to be there with a friend, both VIP! We will probably arrive somewhere around 2 PM and then queue.


Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:29 pm
by Dragonlady
Myself and 'Nephtis' plus friend (?) should be there already by that time.
I'm almost done packing, it's going to be a long day tomorrow, some 7 hours on trains. Then I can relax with my family until Monday.

See you there! I am listening to the USB files from the London show right now, need to rehearse LOL!


Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:21 pm
by Konstantinos
Me and 2 friends will be there and also backstage too! Some sightseeing in Bonn on Saturday and Sunday while waiting for Monday! Can't wait to see you all there!

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:15 am
by Shoesalesman
Have fun you guys!

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:01 pm
by Lisacooper91
oh my... :bam: here we go again!!!

Congratulations! You have been selected to join Alice Cooper onstage for the finale of the 2010 Theatre Of Death show at the Museumsplatz in Bonn, Germany on Monday, June 21, 2010!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:11 pm
by Shoesalesman
That's great!

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:15 pm
by Dragonlady
You have a knack for this Lisa!

Pfew, I nearly couldn't log in here, how silly. I keep forgetting the password and having to reset it :blush:

So if all else fails and we don't make it to the front I'll try to stand behind you and "steal" your place when you have to leave :laugh:

Funny thing: when I logged in to Facebook from my uncle's computer I had to identify 7 photos of various "friends" before it let me "in". The last photo was of Chuck? That made me laugh. Kind of odd whe you think about it,but whatever.

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:51 pm
by Lisacooper91
LOL wtf @ identifying 7 photos?!
that's weird!!
So if all else fails and we don't make it to the front I'll try to stand behind you and "steal" your place when you have to leave
haha that's OK! :grin: very smart!

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:18 pm
by Dave Conway

Fantastic. No doubt DL can get some pics of your appearance!!!

Have a blast.

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:14 am
by Lisacooper91
It was crazy! :clap: (in a good way!!)
Here is my story:

June 21, 2010. The second time I was going to meet Alice Cooper. Also the second time that I was going to be on stage with him. I won't tell much about the concert itself, because that was just awesome! It always surprises me how good he still is. He is 62, but he still got that amazing voice and has so much energy. All he deserves is respect.

When I had to pick up my enveloppe with the VIP stuff I saw something funny and so cute: Toby Mamis drew tiny hearts around my name! It also had instructions: had to meet him during "Feed My Frankenstein".

So yeah, when I heard the noises from the beginning of the song I made my way through the audience to find Toby. We chatted a bit, hugged and it was just so cozy! He's such an amazing guy, a real sweetheart and fun to be around with. When I entered the back of the stage I suddenly saw a big monster in front of me: the cyclops! First they were going to use it in this tour, really cool!

Just like in December, 2009, I got to watch the last 3 songs from the stage. Just crazy! And then it was my turn, I got 2 balloons and they would throw another one at me later. Alice shouted "it's party time!" and I walked on stage and threw the first balloon away, as far as I could. But when I wanted to throw out the second balloon I suddenly saw Alice standing next to me and he stabbed the balloon before I could throw it away! Was confused for 1 sec, but then I ran after him like I was going to punch him! Must have looked quite funny. But when he stabbed the balloon he also stabbed me in my fingers, so yeah... got tiny wounds now!

I showed him during the meet and greet... and guess what?! He took my hand and gave my fingers a kiss!! It was so cute! Then I got him to sign all my stuff. He also asked my name and first he thought I was called Misha.
Alice: "sounds Russian? but you're from Holland, aren't you?"
After I told him my name was "Lisa" he signed everything with my name on it. And then it happened. One of his managers had a surprise for me... and there it was! The T-shirt Alice wore during the last 3 songs! Signed with the text "thanks". And they gave it to me!!
Shame it's a German soccer T-shirt, but it's so nice!! (Had lots of bad experiences during my trips to Germany, so yeah... you can see it this way: this makes it all up!)

After the signing things we got to take pictures with Alice. Of course, I hugged him and after that he tried to hang me with my Dirty Diamonds. And then he was like "Alright, now you can choke me!" and I answered: "No, I'm not going to choke you..." and then I kissed him on the cheek and he held his hands around my waist, it's such a cute picture!!

It was such an awesome day, I met so many people. I'd like to thank everybody; Alice, Toby, the crew and everybody else I met.

Thanks for such an awesome day!


Lisa, the happiest girl alive.

Pictures from the show: ... 2063031673

Pictures from the meet & greet: ... e8aa116f27

I hope to find some videos/photos of me on stage. If you got some... Please let me know!

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:45 pm
by nephtis
I can assure you it looked very much like part of the show when you approached him. :clap: Will teach him to pop a girl's ballons prematurely. :grin:

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:49 pm
by Ravenred
Very cool :clap:

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:31 pm
by Dragonlady
Hey Nephtis! Great to see you here! Feels strange that a few hours ago we were still chatting about this and that and now I am home in Switzerland. I am so glad I got to meet all of you fans, it felt good to be with like minded people and just have fun.

I just got home an hour ago. And I see Lisa bet me to the first "review" :)

I'm sorry Lisa, I didn't take my camera but I really hesitated as I thought you'd want to have a souvenir. My mobile phone is really too slow for such photos. But it was so cool to see you up there. You did a great job with these balloons, and I couldn't stop laughing when you chased Alice for popping the balloon in your hands, you're a natural!
And I am extremely jealous of you for gettting nicked by the sword. I am going to make my reputation much worse here (is that even possible) but that would be a dream come true for me :x :rotfl: I would be so proud of that scar.

Sorry to hear you ran into trouble, I hope the concert made it up for you. You got spoiled you lucky thing :p

I'll have to type up my review, I wrote it down on paper during my trip home (didn't want to take my laptop along and leave it in the parking during the concert)

All in all, I had fun but this time I couldn't completely leave my real life problems at home as I try to do especially when seing Alice. And coming home to more of the same made that for once I am not floating on my usual little cloud.

It was a different experience to see a show outdoor and it confirmed what I said here earlier. I can't get in the right mood when it's still broad daylight. The show was good as ever, but for me something was missing. On the other hand the sound was amazingly good (I'll elaborate in my review).

For once I was on the left side (Chuck side for Jenni) and it was nice to change, but old habit die hard and since a few years ago I pulled a muscle in my neck this side doesn't agree with me so much.

One more thing before I go. I thought it was a really moving touch that Alice changed the lyrics in "From the Inside" to "Ronnie's ghost", my heart leapt when I heard that (thank goodness for the good sound) and my hands shot up to make the horns sign before my brain even registered the fact. :HEART:

Battered, tired, blue and sad, but with a good touch of happiness lingering.

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:01 pm
by Lisacooper91
Actually, I wasn't even thinking when I was chasing Alice :laugh: I was just so confused he popped the balloon!! and I was like.. AAAH noooo!!!!

when I walked between the audience and the stage, there were so many B$B bills lying on the floor... ended up with none, gave them all away. so nice to tease people, haha!
so fun: there was this guy, trying to pick one from the ground, he couldn't reach it, but he was so close! so yeah I picked it up... looked at him and just walked away :evil: but yeah of course, I came back and gave it to him!

I didn't know if you caught something Sunila, so yeah... just had to make sure you got at least one B$B bill :clap:

found a Dirty Diamonds necklace too, but I kept that one :evil:

Sorry to hear you couldn't leave problems at home, dear... ::((:

and hey, I thought Alice was singing "Brian" and not "Rennie"? LOL! but anyway, it was a very beautiful moment!

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:11 pm
by nephtis
If you haven't seen it yet (I doubt it)

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:16 pm
by sparkinthedark
Nice job! :clap:

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:41 pm
by Lisacooper91
yeah, a friend of mine took that video!
so happy with it :laugh:

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:49 pm
by Dragonlady
Ack where did my long post get to? I've had trouble with my conection tonight it must have gotten eaten.

Well in short I meant to thank you for that bill Lisa. I hadn't gotten anything until then. And I was very frustrated because one of Chuck's pick landed right at my feet but out of reach! Then I begged a security guy to pick it up. For a second I thought he'd pocket it but in fact he turned around and held it up behind his back so he wouldn't see who got it. Wasn't me though. That was the fairest way but it left me all frustrated. It's silly but tired as I was I was close to tears by then.

Got a piece of balloon too before we left.

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:11 am
by Shoesalesman
Glad y'all had a great time. :clap:

Re: AC - June 21 Bonn, Germany

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:03 am
by NotSoPerfect
I'm pretty excited to see the Cyclops in a few weeks! Here's to hoping its appearances aren't more short-lived than that time span!