Help add sources for "I Love America" on wikipedia

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Adam Bendelow
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Help add sources for "I Love America" on wikipedia

Post by Adam Bendelow » Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:51 pm

I think that I love America should be it's own article on wikipedia, but I'm unable to find sources for anything I've put in there, despite the fact that they're all true, can anyone help out.
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Re: Help add sources for "I Love America" on wikipedia

Post by pitkin88 » Sat Oct 17, 2020 6:14 am

I wonder why it was only released in the UK?

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Dada God
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Re: Help add sources for "I Love America" on wikipedia

Post by Dannorama » Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:54 pm

pitkin88 wrote:
Sat Oct 17, 2020 6:14 am
I wonder why it was only released in the UK?
"I Love America" was a UK only release due to Alice's remaining popularity in the country at the time. There was little interest in Alice at home. It could also be attributed to the fascination with American life that appealed to people not living in the USA.

Honestly, to say that "his star was fading" in America is an understatement. These were the days when the page had already turned, synth-pop music was the new toy, and the "dinosaurs" of hard rock were readily discounted. (I was there. I still get mad about it. Screw those guys and their hairdos.) That, plus the fact that "DaDa" was the last contractual obligation that WB had with AC. He went unsigned after that album. Still, there was money to be made, and the UK held the best opportunity at the moment. A single was the record company squeezing what they could out of the song.
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