Salin Palin and rock stars as "morons"

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Salin Palin and rock stars as "morons"

Post by Dark Menace » Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:55 pm

I love Alice Cooper. He's far and away my favorite rock star. But I wish wish wish he'd take his own advice and refrain from discussing politics.

He made those silly comments four years ago about rocks stars being "treasonous morons", an overreaction on his part if there ever was one.

This year he started to make good by saying he votes the person, not the party. But he couldn't help adding that Sarah Palin is "totally a breath of fresh air."

I'm not interested in starting a political debate, but it just comes across as... well, a statement by a rock star "moron." It's been quoted here and there online and these kinds of empty-headed quotes hurt his otherwise cool rep. He's already had to backtrack from his open support for George Bush four years ago and now this.

Take your own advice, Alice! Or else at least learn more about politics so you can back up your comments intelligently!
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Post by glamprincess » Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:16 pm

I'm going to defend Alice here because I find the attitude within the entertainment industry that celebrities must support the Democrats to be somewhat scary and unfair. (Please note that I'm talking about Hollywood's attitude not Dark Menace's attitude.) And this is probably even more so in the rock world. It's gotten to the point where celebrities who support the Republicans are often afraid to admit it for fear of being "blackballed" in the industry. I find this attitude undemocratic and think everyone should have the right to support whomever they want. I will also add that I don't like it when certain stars use their celebrity to try and sway the public's opinion and get the public to vote for their favourite cadidate especially since I don't think the average celebrity is any more intelligent or educated than the average citizen.

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Post by Shoesalesman » Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:49 pm

Maybe Alice was referring to Palin as a breath of fresh air due to her personality, not political position of representation.

And whatever Alice chooses to say or think about politics... I think it's his business, not ours. I couldn't care less as long as he keeps rockin'.
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Post by Jaded » Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:08 pm

Well said Shoey!
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Post by Loomis » Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:04 pm

Are those comments silly because you don't agree with them? Because he criticized the "fair and even handed" liberals? And what makes you think he is not informed? Does "informed" mean voting democrat? And yes I know he has stated that he does not follow politics very closely. Just because he said that, does not mean that is the truth.

I agree with Glamprincess. Conservatives are constantly confronted and attacked in Hollywood and the entertainment industry. Not just there either, I might add.
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Post by BellaDonna » Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:26 am

I'm not going into politics here, however, "A breath of fresh air" could mean absolutely ANYTHING from: "Great", to "new", to a "change", or simply to "empty headedness"!

I think that was a fairly wide, vague and acceptable "Alice" natured response-you never do really know what the guy is thinking.... How the audience takes that response is up to the individual.

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Post by WickedYoungMan » Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:17 am

And the fresh air Sarah breathes comes from Russia!
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Post by Dannorama » Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:58 pm

Why be surprised or concerned about Alice's comment? It is fairly well known that he is acquainted with John McCain....

STOMP AND STAMMER - August, 2005:
Vincent Furnier, as his mom ‘n' pop named him, couldn't be more opposite: a Christian, Republican family man who owns a sports-themed restaurant, Alice Cooper'stown, in Phoenix, where he grew up and is now often spotted at Arizona Diamondbacks games chumming it up with Senator John McCain...

Or, as referred to previously,

BLABBERMOUTH- ALICE COOPER: Anti-BUSH Rockers Are Guilty Of Treason - Aug. 23, 2004:
ALICE COOPER has told the Canadian Press that all the rock stars campaigning for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry are guilty of one thing: treason. The shock-rock legend, a staunch Republican who attends NBA games in Phoenix with Arizona Senator John McCain, was disgusted when he learned of plans by Bruce Springsteen, John Mellencamp, R.E.M. and other bands to hold a series of concerts aimed at unseating U.S. President George W. Bush.

So Alice and John McCain are at least conversational. If I was friends like that with someone in it for the presidency, I'd probably even say more than Alice has. Hell, I'd be name-dropping all over the place. ...In fact, I am kind of hoping that McCain DOES win. That may mean a night in the Lincoln bedroom for Alice and Sheryl! Or maybe even a spin of "Elected" at the innaugural ball?

Either way, I don't see the earlier comment as being political as much as a personal take. The man is allowed to state an opinion. Don't allow yourself to get rattled so easily.
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Post by glamprincess » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:04 pm

BellaDonna wrote:I'm not going into politics here, however, "A breath of fresh air" could mean absolutely ANYTHING from: "Great", to "new", to a "change", or simply to "empty headedness"!

I think that was a fairly wide, vague and acceptable "Alice" natured response-you never do really know what the guy is thinking.... How the audience takes that response is up to the individual.

Good point, BD. The comment is vague enough that it could be interpreted in different ways.

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Post by Gunner » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:09 pm

I just wish one thing from Alice; that he would STOP telling us how faithfull he's been to his wife, as though it's a major achievement and he deserves a medal!! Someone stop him telling us PLEASE, it's an embarassment!! I do realise that women must throw themselves left right and centre at the beauty that is Mr Furnier, but come one now it's not an achievement not to shit on someone.
I don't think the average celebrity is any more intelligent or educated than the average citizen
Probably less so, alot don't do their schooling.
Last edited by Gunner on Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by glamprincess » Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:14 pm

Dannorama wrote:Why be surprised or concerned about Alice's comment? It is fairly well known that he is acquainted with John McCain....

STOMP AND STAMMER - August, 2005:
Vincent Furnier, as his mom ‘n' pop named him, couldn't be more opposite: a Christian, Republican family man who owns a sports-themed restaurant, Alice Cooper'stown, in Phoenix, where he grew up and is now often spotted at Arizona Diamondbacks games chumming it up with Senator John McCain...

Or, as referred to previously,

BLABBERMOUTH- ALICE COOPER: Anti-BUSH Rockers Are Guilty Of Treason - Aug. 23, 2004:
ALICE COOPER has told the Canadian Press that all the rock stars campaigning for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry are guilty of one thing: treason. The shock-rock legend, a staunch Republican who attends NBA games in Phoenix with Arizona Senator John McCain, was disgusted when he learned of plans by Bruce Springsteen, John Mellencamp, R.E.M. and other bands to hold a series of concerts aimed at unseating U.S. President George W. Bush.

So Alice and John McCain are at least conversational. If I was friends like that with someone in it for the presidency, I'd probably even say more than Alice has. Hell, I'd be name-dropping all over the place. ...In fact, I am kind of hoping that McCain DOES win. That may mean a night in the Lincoln bedroom for Alice and Sheryl! Or maybe even a spin of "Elected" at the innaugural ball?

Either way, I don't see the earlier comment as being political as much as a personal take. The man is allowed to state an opinion. Don't allow yourself to get rattled so easily.
Yes, I was also thinking that if McCain were to be elected President that it would probably be Alice Cooper's only chance to get invited to an inaugural dinner. (As I don't see any other presidential candidate inviting Alice Cooper to the White House for tea and crumpets.)
As for your comments about name-dropping, I think the reason that Alice has tended to be quiet about McCain is because of the brouhaha that erupted in 2004 over his political comments and support of Bush. I think Alice is probably choosing his words more carefully due to the 2004 flap and to the rock world's attitude towards rock stars who openly endorse the Republicans.

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Post by A_MichaelUK » Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:26 pm

>Why be surprised or concerned about Alice's comment? It is fairly well known that he is acquainted with John McCain....

So what? That doesn't automatically mean he would be a supporter of that candidate. In 1980, Alice reportedly supported a Democrat who was running for office by donating money to his campaign. Who cares?! All this stuff about Alice's politics is so endlessly regurgiated (yes, I know I am now contributing to that) that I am truly amazed that some people here are still making the same mistake as before, which is to forget that Alice also regards himself as a big "moron" when it comes to this subject. In other words, he telling you not to pay ANY attention to what he says about it. Also, I'm fairly sure that the quote repeated by Blabbermouth ("rock stars campaigning for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry are guilty of one thing: treason") was taken totally out of context by the publication it originally appeared in. What Alice says he said, was that it was "treason" against rock music for rock stars to get involved in politics, not that it was "treason" to vote in a certain way.

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Post by glamprincess » Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:06 pm

A_MichaelUK wrote: So what? That doesn't automatically mean he would be a supporter of that candidate. In 1980, Alice reportedly supported a Democrat who was running for office by donating money to his campaign.
Yes, I remember this too. Although, if you are referring to the situation that I am thinking of, I think you may have made a typo and the year was either 1996 or 2000 because I remember reading in Time Magazine that Alice had made a donation to the campaign of democrat Bill Bradley. And considering how recent this was, I think it shows that people's perception of Alice Cooper as a Republican is not an accurate one and this provides some evidence that Alice will support members of either party which is as he has said about voting for the person rather than the party.

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Post by WickedYoungMan » Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:39 pm

Correct, had to be 2000. I know it's trivial in the grand scheme of things, but I remember that because the Indiana Pacers and L.A. Lakers faced off in the NBA finals that year. Phil Jackson, who had just become the Lakers Head Coach that season, was sort of an outspoken supporter of Bill Bradley's run for President (and fact checking seems to confirm).
Last edited by WickedYoungMan on Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Give the kid a break » Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:39 pm

Gunner wrote:I just wish one thing from Alice; that he would STOP telling us how faithfull he's been to his wife, as though it's a major achievement and he deserves a medal!! Someone stop him telling us PLEASE, it's an embarassment!! I do realise that women must throw themselves left right and centre at the beauty that is Mr Furnier, but come one now it's not an achievement not to shit on someone.
Personally I think it is very much an achievement for a celebrity of his status to have remained faithful all of these years, and i'm happy to hear about it. Considering that most rock stars/hollywood stars etc. treat marriage like a joke, have kids & then don't pay attention to them, never mind raise them, etc. I think it's nice to hear that someone is proud of honoring their sacrament of marriage.

& BTW I'm not a holy roller, but do appreciate when I can say to my kids, "Alice Cooper is a family man, he loves his wife & goes to church. His stage show is an act to entertain us, and nothing more".

And entertain us he does!
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Post by A_MichaelUK » Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:22 pm

>I think you may have made a typo and the year was either 1996 or 2000 because I remember reading in Time Magazine that Alice had made a donation to the campaign of democrat Bill Bradley

I'm reasonably sure the event I'm thinking of (if it actually happened) was earlier so it may have been when Bradley ran for The Senate, or in relation to some other election.

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Post by glamprincess » Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:49 pm

Gunner wrote:
I don't think the average celebrity is any more intelligent or educated than the average citizen
Probably less so, alot don't do their schooling.
That is what I was getting at. It's unbelievable how many celebrities think just because they are famous that they are experts on everything! For example, remember when Tom Cruise was telling women not to use anti-depressants to treat their post-partem depression. I wished someone would have asked Mr. Cruise when he graduated from medical school. Cruise has no higher education and no science degree and yet he fancies himself an expert on scientific matters. Can someone please explain to me how "fame" makes one more knowledgeable? At least, Alice's comment about rock stars being morons in which he included HIMSELF, shows that unlike some other celebrities, Alice makes no claims to be The Great Expert on all worldly matters.......

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Post by NotSoPerfect » Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:17 pm

I also think it certainly is an achievement that he's been married to Sheryl as long as he has and been faithful. I mean...what is it now? 1 in 3, or 1 in 4 marriages ends in divorce? And that's just the general public. For someone in the public eye to end up married over 30 years and remain faithful....that IS impressive!
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Post by bw301 » Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:33 am

Gunner wrote:I just wish one thing from Alice; that he would STOP telling us how faithfull he's been to his wife, as though it's a major achievement and he deserves a medal!! Someone stop him telling us PLEASE, it's an embarassment!! I do realise that women must throw themselves left right and centre at the beauty that is Mr Furnier, but come one now it's not an achievement not to shit on someone.
I don't think the average celebrity is any more intelligent or educated than the average citizen
Probably less so, alot don't do their schooling.
There's a reason it keeps coming up: Journalists keep asking him about it.

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Post by WickedYoungMan » Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:22 am

Divorce rates would be a lot lower if people just quit getting married to begin with.
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