I noticed there's a somewhat vital piece of information missing regarding 'Hey Stoopid'. I looked everywhere, but couldn't find it.
In Scandinavia at the time, 80's - 90's, there was this bi-weekly Swedish rock/pop magazine named Okej who had an employee, Anders Tegner, who was a total metalhead and a die-hard Alice Cooper fan.
In one of his many interviews with Alice, the title for his next album came up, which Alice at the time referred to as 'Hey Stupid'. Anders then proposed 'Hey Stoopid' instead and Alice said "Yeah, that's better."
That's why Anders Tegner's name shows up in the thank you liners on the album.
I just thought it should be mentioned.
Moderators: Devon, Gorehound, Si, SickThings, Shoesalesman
Re: Modification
Probably missing as I've never heard that before!
Re: Modification
Yeah. My guess is that this was never even mentioned outside of Scandinavia.
I'll go check my attic, as I still keep these old mags, and see if I can find the right issue with the exact quote
I'll go check my attic, as I still keep these old mags, and see if I can find the right issue with the exact quote
Re: Modification
Well, it's at least mentioned in the album's Swedish wikipedia site:
"Hey Stoopid utkom 1991 och är ett musikalbum av Alice Cooper. Albumet är den sista i Coopers Heavy Metal-veva (1986-1991) och innehåller klassikerna "Feed My Frankenstein", "Hey Stoopid" och "Love's A Loaded Gun". Titellåten och albumets stavning är formulerad av journalisten Anders Tengner, som insinuerade att ”Stoopid” påminde om ”Cooper” och gav ett kaxigare intryck."
"Hey Stoopid was released in 1991 and is a music album by Alice Cooper. The album is the last in Cooper's Heavy Metal streak (1986-1991) and includes the classics "Feed My Frankenstein", "Hey Stoopid" and "Love's A Loaded Gun". The title song and the album's spelling is formulated by the journalist Anders Tengner, who insinuated that "Stoopid" reminded of "Cooper" and gave a cockier impression."
Since this is from wikipedia, it's probably not actually enough. But I'll keep digging for the actual edition.
"Hey Stoopid utkom 1991 och är ett musikalbum av Alice Cooper. Albumet är den sista i Coopers Heavy Metal-veva (1986-1991) och innehåller klassikerna "Feed My Frankenstein", "Hey Stoopid" och "Love's A Loaded Gun". Titellåten och albumets stavning är formulerad av journalisten Anders Tengner, som insinuerade att ”Stoopid” påminde om ”Cooper” och gav ett kaxigare intryck."
"Hey Stoopid was released in 1991 and is a music album by Alice Cooper. The album is the last in Cooper's Heavy Metal streak (1986-1991) and includes the classics "Feed My Frankenstein", "Hey Stoopid" and "Love's A Loaded Gun". The title song and the album's spelling is formulated by the journalist Anders Tengner, who insinuated that "Stoopid" reminded of "Cooper" and gave a cockier impression."
Since this is from wikipedia, it's probably not actually enough. But I'll keep digging for the actual edition.
Re: Modification
Something showing Alice confirming it would be most useful.
Re: Modification
Yes, I'm on the case.
Re: Modification
I also remember this article and I'm almost sure it ends with something in the vein of "let's see if he goes with my suggestion". It was a studio report if I'm not mistaken.