Thoughts on the new album

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Fashion Flusher
Fashion Flusher
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Re: Thoughts on the new album

Post by Babysquid » Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:43 am

I really enjoyed it. No ballads, lots of energy, a couple of goofs but mostly great fun. Ok it's not a work of art, and it won't make many AC top 5 lists, but it's a good party album. I liked WLL and it was great to hear Alice blowing his harp again. The Small faces track was excellent until the the 'because they're high' bit. IGALOY is much better than the iron eagle version and far far better than the toe curlingly awful regrouped Spirit version you can find on YouTube. The let downs for me we're Come and Get it (Macca smugness, and I just didn't like the song much) and Schools out.
One thing I'm interested in is the omissions.
Since the original group hung out with the Syd era Pink Floyd I'm surprised the Vampires chose not to cover something from that time rather than ABITW (yeah I know it's probably a nod to Bob as he produced them both and they share similar subject matter)
Also as Alice often talks about how much the Yardbirds were a great influence, I find it odd that they're not covered here ( Keith Relf used to get drunk and he's dead!)
And finally what did John Locke do to upset Alice? Apart from being a massive influence on their sound, He died well before Ed Cassidy and yet he's not listed among the fallen members of Spirit!

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