Salin Palin and rock stars as "morons"

Anything Alice Cooper or AC band related goes here

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Post by BellaDonna » Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:43 am

Gunner - "I just wish one thing from Alice; that he would STOP telling us how faithfull he's been to his wife, as though it's a major achievement and he deserves a medal!! Someone stop him telling us PLEASE, it's an embarassment!! I do realise that women must throw themselves left right and centre at the beauty that is Mr Furnier, but come one now it's not an achievement not to shit on someone. "

I kind of agree with the first sentence: I've heard it, I know it, I'm good with it, you're a great, honest, faithful, guy - there are very, very few.... I've acknowledged that. I fully and completely give him that credit because he must see 'temptation' - at least to a higher degree than most. I acknowledge that too. Again, great, honest, faithful, guy. On the other hand: enough already.

However, I disagree with the last part: It is INDEED "an achievement not to shit on someone." That happens every, single, day. In every single persons life - be you the "crappor" or "crappee". It makes people 'feel better' about themselves to 'put someone else down'. It's easy to disrespect someone, yet incredibly difficult to maintain a sense of 'humility' - especially for someone who's told on a regular basis that he's/she's the 'cats ass'...(be it true or not). It's easy to crap on someone when your sense of self importance is overrated. It's an easy fix. I see it every day. It bothers me. I hate it. I hate it when kids do it, when adults do it,when parents do it, grandparents, families, and just about anyone else I see do it. It's not necessary. So I have to give the guy credit again: because he stated what was good without putting anyone else 'down'...The number of times he states it is nothing incomparison to the number of world wide offenses...

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Post by Gunner » Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:34 am

Personally I think it is very much an achievement for a celebrity of his status to have remained faithful all of these years, and i'm happy to hear about it. Considering that most rock stars/hollywood stars etc. treat marriage like a joke, have kids & then don't pay attention to them, never mind raise them, etc. I think it's nice to hear that someone is proud of honoring their sacrament of marriage.
Sorry, I disagree, it is commendable, but he is only doing what people should do. To resist extra marital affairs is not a virtue to be applauded in every interview, no matter what circles he mixes in.

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Post by cooperrocks » Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:47 am

If I am not mistaken Alice was asked a question concerning politics, which he answered. He wasn't trying to convince you to vote either way unlike people like Oprah, Alec Baldwin, etc. When you go around "campaigning" for a political candidate then you come across as a rock star "moron." Alice simply made a comment and clarified that he doesn't base his vote on the party but the individual. There is nothing moronic about that at all.

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Post by criss » Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:07 am

WickedYoungMan wrote:And the fresh air Sarah breathes comes from Russia!

Australias No 1 Alice cooper fan

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Post by Maurice » Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:49 am

WickedYoungMan wrote:Divorce rates would be a lot lower if people just quit getting married to begin with.
Well, ipso factso of course they would! :(
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My God.

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