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The Pachyderm in the Room

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2021 8:35 pm
by Cold Room
I am sure you have not been asked this question in the last 10 minutes or so....and I know it gets brought up to you on Facebook and other social media all the time, but..... Do you see even a glimmer of a chance that the surviving originals will get together and produce an album totally of songs created by the band members? I know the three of you have a stockpile of tunes you have fiddled with over the years that you (the group) might be able to work into new songs. Sadly, you've been bugged to death about this, but do you see Alice ever wanting to head down that road?
( can throw in a (GB) oldie or two on the album if you want. :laugh: )

Talking album here...not stage shows. That is another topic.

Re: The Pachyderm in the Room

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:15 am
by Dreary
Ever since 1975, not a day has passed that I haven't been asked that question. All it would take is an incoming call from the right person.
It is encouraging that the original band's recent songs are chalking up so many listens on various platforms. That also goes for Youtube videos of shows that have included the original Alice Cooper.
That's a great way to show how much you would like to see that to happen.