Bass question

Alice Cooper co-founder and Hall Of Fame inductee Dennis Dunaway answers your questions!

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Billion Dollar Baby
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Bass question

Post by revinkevin » Tue May 09, 2023 7:46 pm

Dennis am I correct in thinking you are mostly a pick guy rather than finger guy with your playing ? Are there advantages with either style or is it just a personal preference ? Seems to me some of the harder rock players use a pick. I’ve been mulling over getting a bass just for home use. A friend lets me use his Percission bass to practice and when I use a pick he mentions words like blasphemy. I’m sort of interested in the short scale bass because that Precision bass has uncomfortable neck IMO.

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Fashion Flusher
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Re: Bass question

Post by Dreary » Tue May 09, 2023 8:06 pm

I pretty much only use my fingers when I drop my pick. It's not that I think a pick is better.
You can get a fuller sound with more sustain with fingers, but a nylon pick and mid-range growl are my personal sound.
I usually play Jazz basses which have narrower necks than p-basses. I'm not sure that would be more comfortable for you. Your priority is to play however YOU like.

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Re: Bass question

Post by Saint&Sinner » Thu May 11, 2023 9:31 pm

Piggy backing on to this question, i am principally a drummer but i do also play guitar and i have been playing more bass trying to record stuff for my band. Its weird sometimes because sometimes i can hear the bass line in my head perfectly and i know exactly how it should sound but then other times i just have no idea, do i play with the guitar, punch up the drums or do my own thing.
When you are playing on a song you didn't write how do you know what to play? you have a very unique style i have always liked, i am not sure if its something you can explain without furious hand waving hahaha i just find it interesting.

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Fashion Flusher
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Re: Bass question

Post by Dreary » Fri May 12, 2023 4:44 am

It's always been "every possibility" for me. Sometimes I follow the groove of the chords, then perhaps a counter melody to the vocal, which is always the most important thing to support, then I might lock into the bass drum and pick up on the drum fills, which is often the way to go when you're strapped for ideas. All of these approaches can happen individually for an entire song, or they can all be incorporated into one song. That's what keeps music interesting. And always keep in mind that simplicity can be the best route, and most admirable route, and be faithful to what Glen Buxton always preached - the most important thing is the feel.

All of that said, it doesn't matter what others do. It only matters when you do what is uniquely what you enjoy doing.

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