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by revinkevin
Sat Dec 23, 2023 1:34 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The 'Secret' Next Album
Replies: 67
Views: 42151

Re: The 'Secret' Next Album

I wonder what the time frame will be before those involved in the project can officially talk about things ? Supposedly 14 songs were recorded a while back. I haven’t heard if that number has changed so I’m thinking it’s pretty much done except maybe for some tweaks or album art. I’d bet our Dr. Dre...
by revinkevin
Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:48 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The 'Secret' Next Album
Replies: 67
Views: 42151

Re: The 'Secret' Next Album

Original songs written with the original group and Ezrin. And the only guest musicians I’d prefer to see would be guitarists to fill in for Glen.
by revinkevin
Tue Dec 19, 2023 9:51 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Alice at the Eddie Trunk thing
Replies: 3
Views: 4125

Re: Alice at the Eddie Trunk thing

Was excellent. I really dig Orianthi style and tone.
by revinkevin
Thu Dec 14, 2023 2:16 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Desmond Child Thoughts
Replies: 6
Views: 4986

Re: Desmond Child Thoughts

Not a big fan of Desmond and that interview didn’t change anything. Glad he didn’t take Alice into that industrial keyboard direction he wanted to if he produced the album after Trash. I preferred Hey Stupid to Trash.
by revinkevin
Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:30 pm
Forum: Dr. Dreary's Secret Dungeon
Topic: Slade
Replies: 5
Views: 9533

Re: Slade

I can’t speculate on Denis awareness of Lea , but I think Lea was very aware of Denis as later on in his career he produced a few records and I believe he played bass on a cover of Schools out for some popular singer.
by revinkevin
Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:14 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Slicker Than A Weasel
Replies: 14
Views: 10134

Re: Slicker Than A Weasel

I actually saw the concert back in the day and you are correct, the band did seem unusual. Extremely talented group but it had the feel of a hired gun performance. Sort of a Ringo Star All Star band feel to it. The edge was missing. A mainstream event.
by revinkevin
Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:34 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The Lace and Whiskey Era
Replies: 40
Views: 25232

Re: The Lace and Whiskey Era

That sums it up rather nicely.
by revinkevin
Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:00 pm
Forum: Dr. Dreary's Secret Dungeon
Topic: Another "Halo Of Flies" question
Replies: 10
Views: 9604

Re: Another "Halo Of Flies" question

I thought the track for "Under My Wheels" sounded strong on its own and I was against adding horns. Since the song was chosen as a single, and radio stations were playing songs by other groups that had added horns (The Doors, The Stones), it likely helped get airplay. The horns soon won me over. Di...
by revinkevin
Sun Nov 26, 2023 9:08 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The Lace and Whiskey Era
Replies: 40
Views: 25232

Re: The Lace and Whiskey Era

Si wrote:
Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:07 pm
I love the chickens and make no apologies for it. Reversing the legendary chicken incident was brilliant!
Alice should have taken an axe to those chickens. That would have been real Alice Cooper.
by revinkevin
Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:01 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The Lace and Whiskey Era
Replies: 40
Views: 25232

Re: The Lace and Whiskey Era

Dancing chickens was definitely a bad idea. A real bad idea. And going on Carson with them and without a band was a bad idea. A real bad idea. The cover of the Lace and Whiskey with Alice as a 1950’s private detective was a bad idea. It came across as I don’t want to be Alice Cooper anymore. As for ...
by revinkevin
Tue Nov 14, 2023 9:38 pm
Forum: Dr. Dreary's Secret Dungeon
Topic: 27 Club
Replies: 4
Views: 4380

Re: 27 Club

“Every pill went directly into their mouth no questions asked”. Everyone seems to be aware of the excesses in the industry especially during those days. It seemed expected. My question is was there anyone in your sphere that raised a voice of caution or flat out said let’s not be stupid here because...
by revinkevin
Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:28 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Agent Mulder covers 'Billion Dollar Babies'
Replies: 11
Views: 6534

Re: Agent Mulder covers 'Billion Dollar Babies'

David, don’t give up your day job.
by revinkevin
Sun Nov 05, 2023 6:18 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: "Road" - Reviews
Replies: 294
Views: 180316

Re: "Road" - Reviews

The Stones album sounds very fresh. I can’t imagine too many Stones fans not liking it. That said, to me there’s not a lot of swagger with the album. Too many mid tempo / slow stuff for my taste. But I would be very curious to see what a producer like Watt could bring to the table.
by revinkevin
Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:15 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Dead Don't Dance--official video coming October 30
Replies: 4
Views: 2974

Re: Dead Don't Dance--official video coming October 30

I look forward to that one. Great song.
by revinkevin
Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:21 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Alice's Band Mates: An Appreciation
Replies: 118
Views: 109251

Re: Alice's Band Mates: An Appreciation

I’m no drummer either but there is a very noticeable difference on W2MN between Mullins and Neal. To my ears Neal is much more of a rock drummer and a harder hitter on the drums. Sort of like comparing Buddy Rich to Sandy Nelson. Buddy was more big band sound and Sandy was a rocker. Comes down to pe...
by revinkevin
Wed Oct 11, 2023 10:09 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Alice's Band Mates: An Appreciation
Replies: 118
Views: 109251

Re: Alice's Band Mates: An Appreciation

Thankfully I don’t think Alice has had any real duds in his band. All very respected musicians. We might have our personal favorites but I’m unaware of any untalented hacks standing on stage with him. They all brought a little something to the table. One guy not mentioned yet who I truly like is Mik...
by revinkevin
Tue Oct 10, 2023 11:23 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Alice's Band Mates: An Appreciation
Replies: 118
Views: 109251

Re: Alice's Band Mates: An Appreciation

Always thought Orianthi was a great guitar player and wished she stayed with Alice longer and had the chance to write with him. I thought she was a more classic rock / blues based influenced player. She could rip it up when she had to but steady rock chops were her strengths. If the opportunity ever...
by revinkevin
Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:23 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: "Road" - Reviews
Replies: 294
Views: 180316

Re: "Road" - Reviews

I don't consider Road a 'failure' at all. Indeed, for me, it's Cooper's most enjoyable album since Brutal Planet . Stoopid, catchy, and back to basics - The Ramones built an entire career on that - it's a hoot. Simplistic lyrics? Well, so what; some of the best pop songs ever have those.And that's ...