CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cuts )

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CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cuts )

Post by pitkin88 » Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:22 pm

If we are going to be buying the albums/cd's again for the umpteenth time there really needs to be some enticement and that is often in the form of bonus cuts. Though there is quite a bit of truth in what Amuk says about there being a good reason certain songs are left off an album.

Anyway, here is a place to discuss those tracks that at least we have heard.

Here is what I thought of

If 4th St Could Talk: Not horrible but not really good either. Bit shmaltzy and never quite reaches the rave up heights it tries for. It all feels a bit forced and is something he could have quite honestly have written in his sleep. Wisely it was not placed on the album. 4/10

Chemical Reaction: This starts off with a pretty good riff but goes nowhere really fast. No one seems like they are really enjoying themselves here and it desperately needs a strong chorus. Lyrically it's Alice ala Trash which is not a good thing. Best forgotten. 2/10


Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by mr.barlow » Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:37 pm

Here are a few:

No Tricks: An incredible song yet it was wise to leave off the album as it just doesn't fit. One of Alice's best songs! 10/10

It Rained All Night: I like this song although it's just quite ordinary. If it made it to the album it would have just blended in with some of the other filler tracks. 8/10

Hard Rock Summer: Laughably bad! I'm wondering if it was some sort of inside joke. It plays like a parody of the standard hair metal song. So I will give it two rankings. If the song was written as a standard song than I give it 0/10. If it was written as an inside joke/parody song than I give it a 10/10.

Identity Crisises: This song needs to be re-recorded. One of my favorite Alice songs. I always tie this song lyrically in with Dada as it ties right into the theme of that album. Also, in a way it's kind of autobiographical. I think Alice liked the drummer who played on this song so much that he hired him to play on Constrictor. 8/10 (would be a 10/10 except for the poor production)

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by pitkin88 » Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:26 pm

No Tricks: It is a very good song but for me it's not the Alice Cooper I want to hear. Certainly sounds like nothing else in his cannon. You are right about it not fitting on the album. 6/10

Identity Crisis: The last Alice Cooper song I truly adored. It has such a great swagger. 10/10

I will have to re-listen to the other 2 tracks you mentioned and get back.

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by pitkin88 » Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:30 pm

Not quite the Frank tape but this is very interesting for the unreleased songs. If it is legit that is. ... ransfusion

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by Saint&Sinner » Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:33 pm

4th street could talk - love this tune, could easily fit on hey stoopid with just a little spit and polish. good chorus and vibe throughout. 8 out of 10 easy.

Chemical reaction - great little rocker which again needs little to bring up to full production number. A bit grittier and has more of a straight ahead rocker vibe. pitkin referenced trash which is a fair shout, but i love trash so enjoy this track allot!
Another easy 7 out of 10

Identity crisis - very budgety sounding (which it was i guess) never really grabbed me in any way. very below par. 2 out of 10

See me in the mirror - This is again very budgety sounding but it works for it. it has a cool swirling, misty type vibe which works on the subject matter. Enjoyable tune for sure and fantastic when in the right frame of mind 6 out of 10

No tricks - is a great little number and quite different from the rest of the album due to the female vocals on offer. Its good but only ever gets a rare listen id say a 5 or 6 out of 10

Hard rock summer - classic little rocker which still baffles me why it wasn't included on constrictor (other than it sounds MUCH better production wise :) Great upbeat rocker which is high octane and great fun. Tearing solo from the master that is kane. What more do you want. Easy 8 out of 10. real fun.

It rained all night. Love this song. A great riff that would have fit beautifully on hey stoopid. The keys add a nice counterpoint to the raw guitars and stop starting riff. I would easily put this on heystoopid (in the correct position, ie not after wind up toy!) this is a easy 8 out of 10.

For Britain only - I have a soft spot for this song, mostly due to his snarl and sneer he brings out in excess. Its ridiculous and stupid but quite fun. 6 out of 10

Look at you over there... - Not much you can say for this one. I quite like it in a weird way but definitely not his finer moment. Its very odd......4 out of 10

I got a line on you - Infinitely better than the HV version. this rocks and does it well. i don't know the original but this is cool. wouldn't fit on an album really but is good fun and high octane. 7 out of 10

Hands of death - boring and repetitive. There are several different mixes, none of them excite me. listenable but to say phoned in would be an understatement and a waste of a potentially interesting collaboration. 2 out of 10

sadly i haven't heard any of the other lost tracks (like the ones on the linked tape shown there) i wish i had and would gladly pay money to get them. constrictor, trash and last temptation interest me allot anything from that mid 80s period upto brutal planet basically. (my fave era of alice's)
were there any lost ones from raise your fist and yell? i don't remember seeing/hearing about any. if there were i would love them! as raise your fist is one of my fave alice albums ever.

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by Saint&Sinner » Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:34 pm

somehow posted twice, couldn't delete sorry.

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by pitkin88 » Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:44 am

Hard Rock Summer: Atrocious on every level. 1/10. Seriously ghastly.

It Rained All Night: Another helping of cheese. Horrible keyboards and production. 2/10

Look At You Over There Ripping The Sawdust From My Teddy Bear: One of the greatest Alice Cooper titles. Unfortunately not one of the great songs. It sound very Lalo Schifrinesque and not in a good way. This could have been great if he'd have amyl nitrated it like the rest of the album. 4/10

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by pitkin88 » Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:54 am

Son Of Billion Dollar Babies ( Generation Landslide ): Is it really an outtake or just the bed track stripped down? Interesting but hardly essential. The wonderful solo is not in place here yet. 7/10

For Britain Only: I admire the sentiment but comparded to SF it's a little pedestrian and stilted. 6/10

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by pitkin88 » Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:30 am

Call It Evil: Nice to hear Glen wailing away and with an Ezrin production and arrangement who knows. Definitely potential there but on this offering it's not essential listening 6/10

Coal Black Model T: It's nice to have this version of such a great song. Thankfully the title was changed along with the odd lyric making it just that little bit more special. 8/10 for this version 10/10 for the finished version.

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by pitkin88 » Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:30 am

Call It Evil: Nice to hear Glen wailing away and with an Ezrin production and arrangement who knows. Definitely potential there but on this offering it's not essential listening 6/10

Coal Black Model T: It's nice to have this version of such a great song. Thankfully the title was changed along with the odd lyric making it just that little bit more special. 8/10 for this version 10/10 for the finished version.

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by Mr.Bluelegs » Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:35 am

"Is Anyone Home?"- always loved this song. Great melody and vocals. Beatlesque and has the "You Won't See Me" bass line running through it. Should've been a hit. 10/10.

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by concolz » Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:23 am

These are my favourite 'leftovers':

Nobody Likes Me (Demo) - Poignant and hilarious at the same time.

Slick Black Limousine - They ought to have stuck it on MOL, replacing 'Woman Machine'.

No Tricks/No Time For Tears - Perception and pathos; both should have made FTI, jettisoning dullsville 'HYGSMN'.

Identity Crisis - Alice does Iggy. Excellent.

It Rained All Night - Why this wasn't on HS, when the despicable 'Dirty Dreams' was, is a quality control mystery. (It got added for the reissue.)

Sharpest Pain - Better than half the tracks on 'DD'.

Flatline - Sounding like it belongs on Lou Reed's 'Metal Machine Music', this is the obvious track to follow 'I Gotta ...', instead of that 'Underture' conceit.

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by A_MichaelUK » Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:50 am

From pitkin88:
"Not quite the Frank tape but this is very interesting for the unreleased songs."

The song "Love Last Reunion" is actually "Low - Class Reunion".

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by A_MichaelUK » Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:55 am

From Saint&Sinner:
"were there any lost ones from raise your fist and yell?"

There was a song called "Bad Girl In Love" (or "Bad Girl's In Love" or maybe even "Bad Girls In Love") and a song called "Mom And Dad" which sounded like it maybe became "Time To Kill", I think.

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by A_MichaelUK » Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:57 am

From concolz:
"No Tricks/No Time For Tears - Perception and pathos; both should have made FTI, jettisoning dullsville 'HYGSMN'."

Why? The latter song had nothing to do with that album and was written by someone else for a different project long before the album was even considered.

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by Pitta » Thu Sep 08, 2016 11:47 am

Does anybody have the song "If 4th street could talk" in mp3? I've never heard it ::((:
Where's my make-up, where's my face ?

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by cooperrocks » Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:44 pm

If 4th street Could Talk -This is an amazing tune. It definitely fits with the Hey Stoopid era (I love the Hey Stoopid album) 8 out of 10

Chemical Reaction -This is another good hard driving rocker. I would give it an 8 out of 10 as well.

Identity Crisises -I always liked this song. 7 out of 10

See Me In The Mirror - I didn't care for this one at first but over the years it has gotten better and better. I like Alice's vocals on this one. 6 out of 10

No Tricks -I think this shows what a talent Alice is. 10 out of 10

Hard Rock Summer -Considering the period of 1986-2000 is my favorite Alice period, I love this tune. It is catchy and Kane Roberts who is vastly underrated shreds on this one. 8 out of 10

It Rained All Night. Love this song. One of my favorite Alice tracks ever. 10 out of 10

For Britain Only-This song is very catchy and fun. 7 out of 10

Look At You Over There Ripping Sawdust From My Teddy Bear- I can appreciate the humor in this one but definitely not a favorite. 2 out of 10

I Got A Line on You -This just flat out rocks and I would agree that I like this one better than the Hollywood Vampires version. The original version of this song by Spirit was amazing as well. 9 out of 10

Hands of Death -If I am not mistaken Alice and Rob Zombie were nominated for a Grammy on this one. It isn't really my type of music persay but not bad. 5 out of 10

Is Anyone Home?- I always thought there should have been an attempt when Fistful of Alice came out to release this as a single. This song is catchy. 9 out of 10

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by Saint&Sinner » Thu Sep 08, 2016 11:23 pm

Sharpest Pain - Better than half the tracks on 'DD'.
very true. DD was a terrible album, its grown on me a bit, but when i first heard it i really hated it.
There was a song called "Bad Girl In Love" (or "Bad Girl's In Love" or maybe even "Bad Girls In Love") and a song called "Mom And Dad" which sounded like it maybe became "Time To Kill", I think.
I have never known there were tunes on the cutting room floor for raise your fist, Will we ever get to hear them !?!? :(

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by jettrainfan » Fri Sep 09, 2016 12:49 am

Pitta, sent you a PM about your request, although it isn't in the format you requested.

No tricks: Great song. If thrown in right after Inmates, it would probably make an interesting bonus track for a FTI remaster. 8/10

All Strapped Up: There was a bootleg on youtube of this song, and it was done during the Mad House Rock Tour (Strange Case of Alice Cooper). Seems like a fun number and Super Duper Alice Cooper had clips of the film used on the magic screen during the song. I was hoping that the full film would be included as a bonus feature on DVD, but no such luck as far as I know. I think somebody said it was written for the tour, but it would be cool to see a re-recorded version for a FTI remaster. 7/10.

Look at you over there: The tune is out there. I feel like it would have a similar impact as Wind UP Toy or Cold Machines if it was put at the end of the Special Forces album. It's different than the rest of the album, but a great finisher. The chorus could fit right in with songs from Zipper Catch Skin! 7/10

Is Anyone Home: Loved it. Works great as the finisher for a partial live album. Creative lyrics and has an Alice feel to it. 9/10

Nobody Likes Me: This song deserves to be played live in the 21st century. It's simple, yet has bits of humor here and there. It's a shame it never made it onto Pretties For You. 9/10

If Fourth Street Could Talk: It's definitely an interesting song. It's a piano number with decent lyrics. I'm sure if it was cleaned up a bit, it could be worth putting on as a bonus. 6/10

Chemical Reaction: I liked this song more than It rained all night. My only complaint is the "Hey-oh!" needs to go. It definitely sounds like it can be on Hey stupid. 6/10

No Time For Tears: Probably his saddest song in my opinion. If they make a best of the ballads, then I can see it being included. Album wise, I can't see it being included to any of them. This is why we have the "Life and Crimes of Alice Cooper" pack. It gave some of these songs a chance to see the light of day. Anyway, 9/10

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Re: CHEMICAL REACTION ( Rating The Un released and Bonus Cut

Post by Lucius Morthem » Sun Sep 11, 2016 3:07 pm

What about Midnight Crawler?

I thought that was an amazing song, Should've made Along Came a Spider

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