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Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:13 am
by Alicehunter2000
Just listened to the 30 second clips again.........not that bad IMO. Sounds like a couple of jewels in there and maybe a few fillers.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:37 am
by WickedYoungMan
RemarkablyInsincere wrote:I'm amazed at how a few are so quick to declare this album "terrible".
Well there were a few who were quick to call it great and say it's the best album since WTMN. First impressions is all.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:37 am
by MacQueen
It's simple

If you don't like the album then don't buy it.

Criss and Freezie, I'm not going to let your views spoil this for me, but yet you don't need to complain about the album not being what you expected. I'm sorry for that but let up.

Look, it took me two accept Dirty Diamonds, by no means is it my favorite nor do I think it a great Alice album; but I do recognize it as a fun 'meat and potatos' album. If anything Alice should make a written apology for that mess to the people who bothered to pick it up and give it a listen.

(Disclaimer: That past line alone was written in jest, in no way, shape, or form should Alice write an apology for Dirty actuality he should for The Alice Cooper Show)

I think some people miss the point. Alice is going to write what he wants. I came to ACAS with NO expectations. Some are going to like it, others won't. To quote an American phrase: opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.

All I'm asking, for those who don't like the album already..say what you want,
just don't spoil the fun, this is the first Alice record in three long years..enjoy it.

One last thing: I mis-spelt the plural form of Potatos on purpose. I no way will I ever add an unnecessary 'e' to the word.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:50 am
by WickedYoungMan
MacQueen wrote:If you don't like the album then don't buy it.
It's up to the consumer really. I don't think they were complaining that they have to or were being forced to buy it.

I didn't necessarily care for "Zipper" but I still bought it and own it in my collection.
Criss and Freezie, I'm not going to let your views spoil this for me, but yet you don't need to complain about the album not being what you expected.
In all honesty, that should be up to the poster. If you aren't going to let their views spoil it for you, then there should be no problem with what they say if it isn't going to bother you.
I think some people miss the point. Alice is going to write what he wants.
That's good and all. But I'm not sure what that has to do with people not liking an album or song. Does it suddenly change the songs?

But consider this: ... g_hampton/

It suggests that Greg Hampton wrote a very good portion, if not the majority of the new album (lyrically I imagine Alice's, but these lyrics are subpar for Alice IMHO.)

Though I have to ask.. what happened to all the wealth of material that had been accumulating this whole time by the contributing band members? Hope to find the story on that soon.
All I'm asking, for those who don't like the album already..say what you want, just don't spoil the fun, this is the first Alice record in three long years..enjoy it.
They should enjoy an album if they don't like?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:58 am
by MacQueen
Opinions can change. If someone doesn't like the album now doesn't rule out that he or she might not like it a little but better in a few months or even weeks time.

And as for what Greg Hampton said, how do we even know what he said was even true? Maybe it was taken out of context or perhaps he was trying to steal the spotlight from Alice production-wise?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:11 am
by steven15322
Sounds like ACAS is going down the same old path DD did when it came out..Some people liked it and some didn't . I remember the thread about DD when it came out... I don't think anyone convinced the other to like it or not like it. With ACAS I doubt it will be any different :laugh:

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:19 am
by WickedYoungMan
MacQueen wrote:And as for what Greg Hampton said, how do we even know what he said was even true?
Has anyone come along and debunked it or refuted it yet? As I said in my post, hoping to find the story on that soon.
or perhaps he was trying to steal the spotlight from Alice production-wise?
If that's true, maybe he should hold off...

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:35 am
by Si
To the guy who claims to have a real promo from Ebay, can we have the songwriting credits please? Would be awfully useful. Any other credits would help as well.


Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:53 am
by vince_raven
Ok, I have given this album a few spins. But yes, I also have the Cd and vinyl pre-ordered thru Sickthings and I'm not selling bootleg copies at flea markets, so Alice is getting his money from me.

First thing that struck me about this album is the sound. Not sure how to describe it, but it's modern without being over the top. Well maybe at times the effects are a little much, but after going thru the last 2 more stripped down albums, this was quite refreshing. The music doesn't completely redefine Alice, but this is a different style than we've been accustomed to. A long time fan can find elements of all eras of Alice scattered throughout, yet it still sounds new and refreshing. Although I hear alot of "Is it my Body" in "I'm Hungry" esp. the beginning, seems as if the music is an amalgam of all eras Alice. "Wake the Dead" comes to mind as having a catchy groove running thru it.

As for the lyrics, I have to agree they are pretty much straightforward. Which is a problem with most concept albums, they sometimes get lost in the narrative. There is so much story to explain that sometimes they get bogged down into it. Perhaps the problem is we already know too much of the story already. Yet, we all know lyric-wise that Alice can do better. Yet, there is no "Thrill My Gorilla" here. Maybe they will grow on me, but at the moment the lyrics aren't grabbing me. I fail to hear the classic Cooper wit or sneer in these words as of yet.

So, is this the worst Cooper album in years? Not by a long shot. It takes a few listens, but it gets to you. It would be great if this had a movie to go along with it, because it sounds like a great soundtrack album. Will this return Alice to the top of the charts and selling out arenas? Highly doubtful, unlike the last few albums, I don't hear a song here that could ever be considered a hit single. The album just flows from song to song, to me "Salvation" is my fav. at the moment, followed by "I'm Hungry". Overall, the songs are ok, but nothing grabs me as a standout track just yet, which is rare for me with an Alice album.

Overall, I think this album way be one to grow on you. I wasn't thrilled with The Last Temptation on first listen but over the years it has become one of my favorites. Maybe this will grow on me later. At the moment, I'm not sure what to think of it, but it is not as horrible as some might say.

Alice at this point I'm not sure what he knows to do. He strips the sound and concepts down, he gets ragged on. Returns with a new concept, he gets hell for it. Most artists his age would just say the hell with it and do a complete album of ballads and song-standards. I commend Alice for pressing on and giving us new material every few years. And at least this is better than listening to Lace and Whiskey for the 164th time.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:21 am
by Si
STUK will be chatting with Greg shortly about the making of the album. We still don't have all the pieces of the puzzle.

To say he is trying to steal the spotlight from Alice is silly. He was asked questions and answered them. Nothing more then that. Alice is obviously perfectly happy with the end result so we should trust that and be greatful Alice is still releasing new material.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:59 am
by Dragonlady
I've noticed that when I loved an album (by any artist) immediately it often faded quickly. Whenever it takes me a bit longer for the tunes to grow on me it's one that will stay with me for a while.
It's not always like that but it happens. Wait and see.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:19 am
by steven15322
Si wrote: Alice is obviously perfectly happy with the end result so we should trust that and be greatful Alice is still releasing new material.

I know I sure am happy and greatful Alice is :)

It grows on you

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:39 am
by Draugen
I've listened to the whole album several times now, and it definitely grows on you. But I also understand the disappointment some feel. The sound (style) is not what you expect from the theme, trailer and promo pics.

The best songs are IMO:
Wake the dead
Wrapped in silk
I'm hungry

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:59 am
by Swinger
Now that I've heard a few people saying it's not what you'll expect I've given up my expectations which gives me the possibility to listen to it with an open mind on the 28th.

Personally I've enjoy every Alice albums even those I didn't get into at first and that's the only thing I plan to expect from this one as well.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:56 am
by steven15322
I guess I wasn't expecting what some people were in the style of the album. Some thought it would be heavier BP, DT sound.

I never expected that because of one of Alices earlier interviews when he said it was a real hard rock album. That right there led me to believe it would not be like BP or DT. So I guess that is why I wasn't dissapointed. I was kinda rather surprised as the sytle of the album is different from any Alice album. Ive been a fan for a long time and even though I like BP and DT I always wished Alice would go back to a sound similier with Welcome To My Nightmare or Billion Dollar Babies. What we get here with ACAS is different than anything we have had so I find that ok and refreshing. :) I like it much better than Dirty Diamonds which at the time when it came out I liked better than Eyes. I have since changed my mind on Dirty Diamonds and feel Eyes is the better album now and it stands up on it's own as a good album and I grab it over DD to listen to all the time. Maybe my thoughts on ACAS will change over time but as right now I really like it and I'm enjoying listening to it.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:11 pm
by While Heaven Wept
Have listened to it again and am still greatly disappointed. My least favourite release since Trash probably.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:19 pm
by Master Shake
Well im on the 'I think its great' table. There is sometimes a problem with hype and i can see everyone expecting (even i did) some twisted Alice stuff but after listening to the album i didnt feel disapointed it didnt have any at all or it was lacking that aspect. My only negative opinion was it was quite short and he could have ellaborated on the story a bit more.
I'm very fussy when it comes to music and if something doesnt grab me in 30 seconds i generally dont find it a great song and move on, meaning im lucky to find only 3-4 songs i like on an album of an artist i love.
Having said that, this album exceeds my expectations in that regard and it is a classic 'rock' album with a good feel/vibe to it.
I would buy it regardless but i'll still be very excited when i own my own copy.
In fact, I'm even putting it in line as my favourite album since WTMN

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 12:30 pm
by While Heaven Wept
I just can't get past the lyrics as i feel they're lacking any of Alice's usual flair and creativity. Some of them are just plain childish.

I dont want to heap all the criticism on Alice though, i'm mostly disappointed with the actual song-writing from these new guys.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:00 pm
by RemarkablyInsincere
vince_raven wrote: I don't hear a song here that could ever be considered a hit single. The album just flows from song to song, to me "Salvation" is my fav. at the moment, followed by "I'm Hungry". Overall, the songs are ok, but nothing grabs me as a standout track just yet, which is rare for me with an Alice album.
I agree... there isn't one or two tracks that immediately rises above the pack as on the typical Alice album.
vince_raven wrote: Overall, I think this album way be one to grow on you. I wasn't thrilled with The Last Temptation on first listen but over the years it has become one of my favorites. Maybe this will grow on me later. At the moment, I'm not sure what to think of it, but it is not as horrible as some might say.
Very true. I now consider "The Last Temptation" to be a masterpiece, but when it came out I initially was indifferent about a lot of it. Given the musical climate in 1994 I was expecting something different... especially after hearing the "Lost in America" single, it sounded like "Hey Stoopid" part II which is not what I wanted in 1994. Our opinions are colored by our prejudices and the times we live in.
vince_raven wrote: Alice at this point I'm not sure what he knows to do. He strips the sound and concepts down, he gets ragged on. Returns with a new concept, he gets hell for it. Most artists his age would just say the hell with it and do a complete album of ballads and song-standards. I commend Alice for pressing on and giving us new material every few years. And at least this is better than listening to Lace and Whiskey for the 164th time.
Bravo. Alice should be commended for continuing to deliver new music while many of his contemporaries have long since packed it up or decided to become nostalgia acts. This album definitely has some enjoyable material on it and that should be good enough. If someone is expecting a masterpiece every time out of the gate, than I'd say you're expecting too much. It's fun to hope for the next "Welcome to my Nightmare", but to expect it? Nah.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:04 pm
by RemarkablyInsincere
steven15322 wrote:I like it much better than Dirty Diamonds which at the time when it came out I liked better than Eyes. I have since changed my mind on Dirty Diamonds and feel Eyes is the better album now and it stands up on it's own as a good album and I grab it over DD to listen to all the time..
That's my exact same experience with TEOAC and DD.

Where this one ultimately ranks, who knows, but it seems there's definitely less filler on this one than DD.