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Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:12 pm
by A_MichaelUK
>The nightmare returns’ sets us back into the story as Steven finds himself unable to stay awake

How do you know that's who it is?


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:23 pm
by dadascot
A_MichaelUK wrote:>The nightmare returns’ sets us back into the story as Steven finds himself unable to stay awake

How do you know that's who it is?
(Daddy's home.. Get out my way... Gimme the bottle.. Steven... Steven... STEVEN... )

A clue there I think!


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:24 pm
by Si
Educated Guess? You hear the "father" in 'When Hell Comes Home" shouting for "Steven, Steven STEVEN" just before he is shot.

And then in 'I Gotta Get Outta Here' the singer says that he shot him.


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:33 pm
by Si
btw I've put my review up in the reviews section for what it's worth....


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:58 pm
by A_MichaelUK
>A clue there I think!

You are making the same assumption about this album that others made about the "Welcome To My Nightmare".


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:10 pm
by dadascot
[quote="A_MichaelUK"]>A clue there I think!

You are making the same assumption about this album that others made about the "Welcome To My Nightmare".[/quote

As Si has pointed out there is evidence to back up the 'assumption'. The greatest thing about an album like this, in fact all great art, is that it is open to your own interpretation. As to 'others making the same assumption about welcome to my nightmare' hello!!! Alice has said for thirty five years that the album is about a young boy called steven caught in a nightmare!! That's what the album is about. What did you think it was about??


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:40 pm
by dadascot
Si I've had a scoot around for your review but can't see it. Where abouts is it??


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:44 pm
by NotSoPerfect
dadascot wrote:Si I've had a scoot around for your review but can't see it. Where abouts is it??
Under the "Reviews" tab on the left. ;)


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:54 pm
by Nick
The album is a winner for me. The only think I don't quite "get" is Last Man On Earth...just not my thing. Overall, this is Alice's strongest album in years. I Am Made Of You is the best Alice Cooper song I have heard.


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:27 pm
by dadascot
Si I have read your review and agree with it wholeheartedly, spot on. Alice's greatest album since..... although apparently it's not about stevens journey!


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:09 pm
by James1981
Great review Si i toatally agree with you this is a fantastic album which has exceeded all my expectations. I also had the same thought about the symphonic album after hearing the underture. The snippets of each song just sound immense on that track. Im gonna stick my head right in that noose and proclaim this the best AC album since Welcome to my nightmare.
Dadascot great review also but i have to disagree with you on Disco Bloodbath Boogie Fever i LOVE that song!!
I dd think about writing my own review on here but i dont think i can add much more to what WHW, Si and Dadascot have already said.


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 5:42 pm
by GailsFriend
I am always a little blind with Alice. I have always loved every album since I was a 5 year old kid...I don't know....I think of his albums as "adventures". They all sound different, with different characters, stories, production, styles...

I just think you have to be musically open-minded to properly appreciate an Alice Cooper album. He jumps all over the place musically and has done that for 35 I am used to it. I think the negative views come from people who are less "flexible" musically....which is fine, but, expected.

I am so excited about the new album...but, if you have read any of my posts, you have heard me talk like this before. Alice Cooper is wonderful....and his creations with Bob Ezrin is amazing. I think that the only comparison that can be made is probably the creative relationship between Elton John and Bernie Taupin...( who worked with Alice on 'From The Inside).

I haven't heard the album yet....but.....I AM GONNA LOVE IT.


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:18 pm
by A_MichaelUK
>As Si has pointed out there is evidence to back up the 'assumption'.

No. That's how you and he have interpreted it.

> The greatest thing about an album like this, in fact all great art, is that it is open to your own interpretation.

I totally agree. Why are you so equivocal then?

>As to 'others making the same assumption about welcome to my nightmare' hello!!! Alice has said for thirty five years that the album is about a young boy called steven caught in a nightmare!!

Actually, that's not ALL he said.

>That's what the album is about. What did you think it was about??

I can only tell you (based on my own discussion with Alice about this album and "Welcome To My Nightmare") that there may be more going on than you appear to have realised. There are clues in the lyrics to "I Am Made Of You" and "Runaway Train".


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:43 pm
by mkayers
I personally love this album. Then again I must be weird because from what I've read on here in the past I'm one of the few that liked ACAS. I've listened to it countless times already & it doesn't get tiring to me. I don't think Disco Bloodbath is bad, I don't think Ghouls is that bad either. The more I listen I think it could also be called "Goes 2 Hell" because it seems to have alot of that feel to me as well. This could be a big hit if there were radio stations that played new music by classic artists.


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:49 pm
by Si
Well I've always said I'm hopeless at descrambling lyrics beyond the obvious haha.
Both songs could refer to personal things in Alice's own life, but I think we were talking mainly about the basic story. If that is what you are refering to (rather then subtexts or possibly real life parallels) then I'm lost before I start!


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:51 pm
by mkayers
Just went and read your review Si, I couldn't have expressed it any better myself. Excellent job & echoes my feelings totally!


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:05 pm
by James1981
Si wrote:Well I've always said I'm hopeless at descrambling lyrics beyond the obvious haha.
Both songs could refer to personal things in Alice's own life, but I think we were talking mainly about the basic story. If that is what you are refering to (rather then subtexts or possibly real life parallels) then I'm lost before I start!
Im the same. Hopefully the track by track in the fan pack will give us more insight.


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:09 pm
by A_MichaelUK
> but I think we were talking mainly about the basic story.

Yes. I was as well.


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:16 pm
by A_MichaelUK
> but I think we were talking mainly about the basic story.

Yes. I was as well.


Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:17 pm
by Model Citizen
My .02 just for the helluvit:

With the long awaited arrival of W2MN, I once again feel compelled to review this beast while my impressions are fresh.  Let's get to this...

Depending on what you love about Alice, this will either be an absolute abomination or a breath of fresh air.  I'm of the latter opinion, having stuck with Alice through a long period of artistic stagnation.  That's not to say his last few albums have been bombs, but while they are good to great they fail to demonstrate the depth & diversity that made Cooper a pioneer.  If you fell in love with early Cooper & long for a continuation of the '70-'74 era, this album will probably enrage you.  Barely a drop of classic ACG action happening here.  On the other hand, if you embraced Alice's extremely diverse & experimental period from '75-'77 you will most definitely find a lot to love in this new album.  I'll be honest, there are a few real missteps in this collection but huge kudos to Alice for even daring to branch out of his comfort zone.  I think we can safely thank (or blame) Ezrin for much of this record as it bears his vintage stamp from start to finish.  With Wagner, Hunter, Bruce, Smith & Dunaway in the mix, it's a record that nods to its heritage whilst blasting 100mph towards the modern age.  Musically patchy in places, W2MN is ultimately an artistic triumph.

1) I AM MADE OF YOU - Wow.  What an opening stunner.  While the liberal use of auto-tune may cause grumbles in some circles, I think it's tastefully done.  This is all at once stark & epic.  Unbelievable harmonies here & the interpolation of the "Steven" piano melody is absolutely brilliant.  A melancholy masterpiece.  This is probably pound for pound the best track on this record. (A+)

2) CAFFEINE - This adrenaline fueled campy track chronicles Steven's desperate attempts to stay awake, thus avoiding the onset of his next nightmare.  Lots of clever wordplay & tongue-in-cheek delivery.  A real contender for a single.  The ending is just too clever.  (A)

3) THE NIGHTMARE RETURNS - I fired up this track under the impression that it would be an instrumental piece, but Alice sings on this brief interlude setting the stage for Steven's descent in the nightmare.  Subtly taking cues from "Years Ago", this track does a fantastic job painting a picture with few words.  Love it! (A)

4) A RUNAWAY TRAIN - The first slight dip in quality happens here, which oddly enough marks the return of Dennis Dunaway.  The track is an unusual marriage of "Generation Landslide" & "Dance Yourself To Death" with a fast country shuffle.  Musically the song lacks a destination.  No peaks, no valleys.  It just rambles on until its sudden conclusion.  Though I can see that the music is supposed to mirror the lyrics & it does seem to do the job effectively, but it feels like something's missing.  Vince Gill's shredding is impressive, though.  (B-)

5) LAST MAN ON EARTH - Hmmm, not sure how to take this one.  Though the track does pay homage musically to tracks like "Some Folks" & "Crazy Little Child", it comes off a little more cabaret than I personally prefer.  It sounds like something lifted directly from a Muppets movie, complete with Rowlfesque vocals.  I dig it for the most part but the chord progressions & melodies come off a little predictable.  (B)

6) THE CONGREGATION - A fantastic recovery from the two prior tracks.  Sporting tasteful organ flourishes, descending melodies & larger than life choruses, The Congregation flat out rocks.  Great harmonies & sharp hooks that dig in deep.  (A+)

7) I'LL BITE YOUR FACE OFF - A clear tip of the hat to the Stones & done very well.  Great guitar work & probably the closest thing to early Cooper in the whole batch.  (A-)

8) DISCO BLOODBATH BOOGIE FEVER - Oh boy.  This one is sure to polarize Cooper fanatics.  I think this song is just terribly cheesy.  Don't get me wrong, the cheese factor is something I've always embraced when it comes to Cooper but this goes over the edge & crashes in a screaming burning heep.  Ever been to the Haunted Mansion at Disneyworld?  This could easily be the theme song.  Silly bellowing backing vocals, Alice's weak rapping "skills", a completely outdated sounding disco ambience that neither effectively apes old school disco or modern club music.  It's the clear weakest point of the entire record.  (C-)

9) GHOULS GONE WILD - Like a cross between "Summertime Blues" & early 60's frat rock, this track at least possesses some extra sticky hooks.  Lots of four part harmonies abound, complete with oohs & ahhs.  I dig the track but at the same time, it does seem weak in comparison to the strong tracks here.  (B)

10) SOMETHING TO REMEMBER ME BY - Not bad, but certainly not the most beautiful ballad in the entire Cooper canon (as quoted by Alice himself).  Alice's vocals are a little wobbly here & the melody seems a bit one dimensional.  The arrangement is played very well, but it's merely pleasant.  (C+)

11) WHEN HELL COMES HOME - This track is one long slow burn that really doesn't deviate much arrangement wise.  Where "A Runaway Train" doesn't benefit from this linear approach, this tracks does, creating a tension that complements the ultra-dark lyrical tone.  Prob not a candidate for iPod playlists, it serves the story very well.  (A-)

12) WHAT BABY WANTS - Well, this is the closest thing to a crossover track on the entire record.  Featuring a capable performance by Ke$ha & a rhythm anchored by synths & electronic drums, it's closer to something Pink might record than a Cooper track.  The lyrics here are fantastic & there's a solid hook, but I have a hard time relating to this as an Alice Cooper track.  Good but not great.  (B-)

13) I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE - Love this one!  Like a cross between "Is Anyone Home?" & Tom Petty, this track suits Alice's voice very well.  Lots of melodic hooks, chiming guitars & a hysterical ending that evokes "Give the Kid a Break" in a BIG way.  (A+)

14) THE UNDERTURE - Ezrin is a master at weaving a beautifully complex piece of music.  This ingenius medley seemlessly marries pieces from the original album & this album.  It's magnificent to listen to.  A fabulous way to close the record.  (A)