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Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:58 pm
by revinkevin
So much hope and anticipation for that one and a big letdown. Skip going for the funny bone and head right to the jugular.

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 10:43 pm
by Daggers & Contracts
Just a quick one - a bit of speculation...
What about Rob Zombie taking Ezrins' place as producer on an ACG reunion album?
Ezrin could still be Executive Producer & Zombies' input could be immeasurable! :8):

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:26 pm
by cooperrocks
Here is the thing though. Whether it is solo Alice or an original band album (I prefer a solo album but that's me), you can't ever truly recapture a sound whether it is early 70s, mid 70's, etc. One, your writing style changes. It happens to everyone. Alice isn't likely to do a truly dark album ever again and even the original band songs as of late where just mostly rock n roll songs as well. Not to mention, production values change. Most bands don't even record together in a studio anymore. They may all record in four or five different places individually and then the song is meshed together. It is more cost effective but it also hurts music a lot. I would agree that it probably doesn't hurt to change producers every few albums (that goes for all bands) to keep the sound fresh but if you go with a newer guy even someone like Zombie, his wheelhouse really is more industrial metal. I wouldn't mind that at all but are most of you good with that? I mentioned Andrew Watt in a previous post and that was just an example. I haven't liked either one of the Watt produced Ozzy albums that much but he has changed the sound and both were an improvement on the last couple before it. But many people do like the newer Ozzy albums so there is that.

The thing with the song "I'm Alice" is there are a few shades of the 70s in there and even some early 80's sounds as well but there is also a modern sound as well. You just can't live in the past. I loved the Brutal Planet album and I liked a lot of Dragontown as well and tend to think of those albums as "Modern Alice." Well actually Brutal Planet is a 23 year old album so that and Dragontown really isn't modern either or if it is, it won't be much longer.

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:31 am
by TeresofBlood
The first time I listened to the song, I did not like it. I think, if anything that four second clip soured me a bit.

Then I listened to it a few more times, some with my kids (who both love it) and it has totally grown on me. The guitars sound great, very much like the band days. The song has shades of elected but the vocal style at times reminds me of the blackout era. It seems destined to be a show opener.

Overall, I am thankful that Alice is still making music and this track has me excited to hear the rest of the album.

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 12:10 pm
by wind_up_toy
I really like it. It definitely does seem a bit stitched together in places (like the Paranormal song) and I’m getting strong vibes of Elected and King Herod’s song, but that’s not an issue.

I must say though, I massively prefer an album being released BEFORE singles. This track is clearly a piece of a jigsaw and will probably have extra value when treated as part of a whole.

Looking forward to the full album…

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:22 pm
by Saint&Sinner
to keep the sound fresh but if you go with a newer guy even someone like Zombie, his wheelhouse really is more industrial metal. I wouldn't mind that at all but are most of you good with that?
I wouldnt let rob zombie touch the production chair but i appreciate the point.
There are some great producers out there, some great oldschool guys like Jack Douglas (i know he did MOL which sounded like cheap arse, but his production jobs generally are good, e.g. listen to the untamed album by BlackRain, it is prenominal) genius contemporaries like Andy Sneap, Roy Z even someone like Peter Tägtgren or ross robinson - heck even someone like desmond child or Michael Wagener if you wanna go down that route, lets be honest, Poison is still the best sounding song he has ever had.
I am personally fine with experimentation and getting different sounds etc (brutal planet is top tier alice for me) and its not just about the producer role - its also about quality control - which alice has suffered with under other producers but for my money Bob has clearly given him the push to improve
I like bob ezrins production style and i think it kicks all shades of ass for alice. Push the needles into red and let us feel the power of the instruments, he always ensures alice delivers vocally as well, not like on Eyes, Dirty and ACAS - which all suffered with some sub par performances.

Long may bob ezrin sit in the producers chair. i love it, but equally im down for experimentation.

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:10 pm
by Lucius Morthem
There's always s lot of hate towards ACAS but still some of those songs are more brave and innovative than most of the recent catalogue.

I believe there's a problem when your producer is also your main writer, director and guide.

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 5:00 am
by del
I’m Alice is certainly a grower for me. I’m at a solid 7 now. Don’t think it will get higher but it’s right in the head now and won’t go away.

Had it playing on Spotify in the car yesterday and Social Debris was offered up as the next track. Hadn’t listened to that for over a year but they worked surprisingly well together.

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 7:09 am
by tommycooper
Do early YouTube views give any indication of whether the new album will do well? I think that Paranoiac Personality and Social Debris racked up a lot more views in their first week than I'm Alice has (240K). There's plenty of Alice news out there at present when you include the Vampires, so wider interest in the new track is a bit disappointing, to me anyway

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 12:24 pm
by Dannorama
del wrote:
Thu Jun 22, 2023 5:00 am
I’m Alice is certainly a grower for me. I’m at a solid 7 now. Don’t think it will get higher but it’s right in the head now and won’t go away.

Had it playing on Spotify in the car yesterday and Social Debris was offered up as the next track. Hadn’t listened to that for over a year but they worked surprisingly well together.
I am right there with you. I have learned to be cautious about loving a song (or anything) right off the bat. This song is in my head now, especially the end. I am looking forward to hearing the rest of the album. Regarding the OG album, I am thoroughly in the "Keep Ezrin" camp. He was instrumental in developing AC, and beyond all else, it might help solve the "what if" caused by the production of the MOL album. Also! I think it would be incredible for Steven Crayn to fill in for Glen again. Maybe that's why we haven't heard from him in a while. Maybe.

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 2:38 pm
by Daggers & Contracts
Dannorama wrote:
Thu Jun 22, 2023 12:24 pm
Also! I think it would be incredible for Steven Crayn to fill in for Glen again. Maybe that's why we haven't heard from him in a while. Maybe.
Even if he was invited he would more or less not be able to comment anyway. :x

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 3:48 pm
by revinkevin
Daggers & Contracts wrote:
Thu Jun 22, 2023 2:38 pm
Dannorama wrote:
Thu Jun 22, 2023 12:24 pm
Also! I think it would be incredible for Steven Crayn to fill in for Glen again. Maybe that's why we haven't heard from him in a while. Maybe.
Even if he was invited he would more or less not be able to comment anyway. :x
So help me out on this because I’ve heard things like this for a long time and I’m still confused about it. Are people involved under a gag / no disclosure clause until after the release ?? Because back in the old days groups would brag about upcoming work they were recording involving engineers, producers, the song writing and guest musicians involved. Pretty sure everyone viewed it as great publicity and increased fan anticipation. Now I read I can’t comment right now.

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 3:58 pm
by Si
revinkevin wrote:
Thu Jun 22, 2023 3:48 pm
So help me out on this because I’ve heard things like this for a long time and I’m still confused about it. Are people involved under a gag / no disclosure clause until after the release ?? Because back in the old days groups would brag about upcoming work they were recording involving engineers, producers, the song writing and guest musicians involved. Pretty sure everyone viewed it as great publicity and increased fan anticipation. Now I read I can’t comment right now.
Effectively yes, kinda. I think people are asked not to talk about details until they get the okay. It's all down to when and how to promote the product. If, say, a famous name is appearing they may like to use that as it's own news/publicity story - but if someone has blabbed months before it's not really news any more.

Also plans change, as we've seen in the past, and things talked about six months ago may not still be true and that just confuses the waters.

So while I don't think there is an outright ban on talking, it's better if people don't get into specifics until everything is ready to be announced.

It's no different and kinda follows the lead of film and TV where actors are asked not to let out details of plot or guest stars in advance. It's just the publicity game.

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 5:58 pm
by revinkevin
I thought that was probably it. Still back in the old days I remember the often used saying “any publicity is good publicity as long as they spell the name right “. Of course that was before computers and having damaging images on file or illicit emails stored forever.

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:26 pm
by SickThings
Back in those days, the only widespread leak that could happen would be some magazine picking up on it and running it. But they usually played the game, and even if they didn't, the two- or three-month lead time meant that by the time their "scoop" saw print, it wouldn't matter anyway. Now, a single post or tweet from one person can spread to millions almost instantly.

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:35 pm
by revinkevin
I’m thinking a single post or tweet from one person that spreads to millions almost instantly is an example of good publicity. I mean we are talking about rock n roll here and selling product and not leaking state secrets. And in those old days a lot of those leaks to magazines were planned leaks. Just spell the name right.

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:11 pm
by Mr. Misdemeanor
Just listened to it. First impression is not a positive one I'm afraid. Kinda cheesy.

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 7:01 pm
by Parish
Mr. Misdemeanor wrote:
Fri Jun 23, 2023 4:11 pm
Just listened to it. First impression is not a positive one I'm afraid. Kinda cheesy.
It's definitely no gouda...

Vince is 75 years old so all we're gonna get is old man schmaltz I'm afraid...

I wouldn't be surprised if his next album was titled, " Pull My Finger" or " Root Beer Barrel Candy"

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 7:47 pm
by revinkevin
I’m holding off judgment until I hear the album. The single is definitely not that great but fingers crossed I’m thinking it’s just a kick off song to better things. If this does turn into a WTMN2 and Alice is going down the same road as David Lee Roth has lately, wink wink, nudge nudge heavy on the cheese, then I guess I’m grateful for a over all great catalogue of old material. I hope that is not case because I think he still has it. Anyone who can put on a show like he does with a band that never takes their foot off the pedal has to have some serious attitude left in the tank.

Re: I'm Alice

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 8:46 pm
by Saint&Sinner
[Vince is 75 years old so all we're gonna get is old man schmaltz I'm afraid...

I wouldn't be surprised if his next album was titled, " Pull My Finger" or " Root Beer Barrel Candy"

I dunno man, Alice has done some great dark tracks lately - I am Made of you was probably the last full fledged beast but some under the radar stuff like wonderful world strikes the right mood.
I doubt he will go full horror (especially given the title etc) but never count him out!