Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

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Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by mr.barlow » Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:05 am

I thought this album and Alice persona would generate some great debate....and derision.

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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by dadascot » Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:23 am

I always liked this album. Ok it was a huge departure at the times but I loved the concept. I really liked that he was trying different types of music and showed his versatility as a songwriter, although I really disliked My god and NMLAYC. This is also the album I play to any friends who think Alice is just some slasher rock star with a Frankenstien fascination and it always blows them away when I tell the it's Alice. I think his singing voice on this is amongst his most melodic and pure. Ok no real punch on this album but a whole different side to his character. As he was so ill at the time I'm sure he was just sick of being the crazy loon. Also this was the start if the period where we had no real idea what kind of album was coming next, which kept it interesting for the next three decades.

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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by evil syd » Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:26 am

Great Album!
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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by mr.barlow » Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:39 am

dadascot wrote: Also this was the start if the period where we had no real idea what kind of album was coming next, which kept it interesting for the next three decades.

That's a great point--I never looked at it that way.


Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by mr.barlow » Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:56 am

The only song I really hate and consider one of the worst songs ever recorded in the history of human civilization is "No More Love At Your Convenience".

I know that Alice has been quoted as saying that it was meant as a parody of disco but I think it was more of a case of Warner Bros insisting on a disco-esque song on the album as many rock acts were recording disco leaning singles at the time --the biggest being The Rolling Stones with "Miss You". Either way--the song is just downright horrible. If it was meant to be a disco song than it also is the worst disco song ever recorded.

"You & Me" was a great song but also a song that alientated long time fans. I think it too was an attempt to really become mainstream--the picture sleeve for the single was proof of this. It was Alice trying to become The Carpenters.

The thing is the album was all over the place and confused nearly everybody. You had some great rock songs, a sugar dipped ballad, disco, and you name it.

Here is my personal observation on this album that I've had for years. Maybe someone could confirm this. I think that this was Alice making an album like a television "variety show". The variety show was reaching it's peak in the 1970s here in America and the song selection, character choice and many other aspects of the album play like a tv variety show. The Tonight Show appearance with the dancing chickens always cemented this in my mind.

To me the epic song is "King Of The Silver Screen". An overlooked gem in the Alice catalog. I would love to see Alice in the Special Forces era make-up performing this song live. What a visual that would be!

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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by evil syd » Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:54 am

For me the song "You and Me" plays as a very important part in Coop's history. It was the very first song I ever heard from him. I remember as a kid listening to the radio and the DJ anouncing that this a song from Alice Cooper. I've heard about his music and his antics and I'm expecting a song so off the wall and this orchestrated romantic tune comes on. All I remember was thinking how beautiful this song sounded and thought that this musician of his stature must be really creative to come out with something so out of left field. This led me into buying the greatest hits and it was history. I think coop has always had an interest in singing ballads and that song was a step towards Sinatra country which was an area that was very important to him. Of course The Beatles sang orchestrated ballads and Coop was and still is a huge fan of them. I'm sure the record company was interested and more than happy for him to play a song of that nature because the song "Beth" from Kiss was popular. But it takes a musician who has the talent, balls, and desire to record a song like that. Coop always steps up for the challenge. I liked this song much more than "Beth" and that song was very popular for them so why wouldn't that be the same case for Alice? Coop has always kept up with his ballads until this day and it's something I am sure he is proud of.
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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by concolz » Sat Jul 12, 2014 11:13 am

Another 'yes it is, no it isn't' debate. What's left to say that already hasn't been? Well, this was the first AC album since '72 that I didn't buy at the time of actual release. I'd heard the single on the radio and thought 'hmm', read the music mag reviews which were scathing, plus heard a further couple of tracks in a local record store and thought 'double hmm'.

The thing that really turned me off buying 'L&W' though, was reading an NME interview where Alice was asked about punk, and replied that such acts 'hadn't paid their dues' like him or McCartney etc. As I was in thrall to punk at that time, my response was basically 'oh get lost Alice, you're just an old has-been'. I did however buy the album some years later - from a second hand market stall - and, well, realised I hadn't missed much first time around!

For me, 'L&W' aptly reflects the 'state' that Alice was in at that time. It's lacklustre and unfocused with an overall air of 'just shove it out, it'll do'. Fortunately, he bounced back with the exquisite 'FTI'.

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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by Shoesalesman » Sun Jul 13, 2014 6:43 pm

I'm pretty sure this was the third album I picked up after getting into Alice, the first two being Constrictor and Greatest Hits, respectively. I have no problem with any of the songs on L&W, including No More Love At Your Convenience, the album gets regular play. Worth the purchase, IMO.
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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by Daggers & Contracts » Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:29 am

Had this on 8-Track & played it to death. Found the Lp at a used record show & have recently converted all my Alice/ACG Lp's to CD. Was still going to school at the time & couldn't use the TV late at night so I didn't see the "Dancing Chickens" show at the time. The performance looks ridiculous now, but it was late night TV. It does help to imbibe a little Jack Daniels (Seagrams) before you drop the needle. Makes a lot more sense! :8):
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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by pitkin88 » Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:01 am

Horrible mis-step.

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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by Toronto Bob » Mon Jul 14, 2014 12:06 pm

pitkin88 wrote:Horrible mis-step.
In a nutshell

Coming off a bit of a hiatus since there was no Goes to Hell tour, this album could have set Alice up to be back with all the heavies. Instead his alcoholism combined with Ezrin resting on his laurels and doing copious amounts of coke, produce a glossy sounding adult contemporary type album. Who was this suppose to appeal to?

Mind you I think there are some decent tracks on the record but between the slick production that removes all the grit from the good tracks and the rather crappy songs like Ubangi Stomp, No More {Love at Your Convenience), Damned if You Do and My God, the album never takes off. Further driving the whole thing down into the ground, a tour that is cursed by alcoholism. Just imagine if L&W was in the same league as WTMN, and Alice wasn't drinking he could have been playing to LZ or Fleetwood Mac sized crowds. But those are two huge ifs.

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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by DaveJay » Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:58 pm

I was incredibly disappointed when I bought the album on its original release, and got it home, and listened to was just NOT the Cooper I was expecting...But, My Mother LOVED, not THAT bad a waste of money...I have grown to realise what it meant to Alice and the management at the time though, and as Albums ( by anyone) go, it's not that terrible . I still play it much more than I do "Abbey road"( Which is, IMO, a VASTLY Over-rated album, with a few good tracks...and That's coming from a Beatles fan...)
And, for the record, can I state publically that I think NMLAYC is a pretty good catchy disco-ey tune!! and I also have left instructions for "My God" to be played at my (Eventual) Funeral...just to surprise whichever Non-Alice fans/attendees who may be bothered to show up.... :grin:
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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by cooperrocks » Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:18 pm

While it is not one of my favorite Alice albums, there are still some great songs on Lace and Whiskey and is one of his more diverse albums.

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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by concolz » Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:41 pm

DaveJay wrote:I was incredibly disappointed when I bought the album on its original release, and got it home, and listened to was just NOT the Cooper I was expecting...But, My Mother LOVED, not THAT bad a waste of money...I have grown to realise what it meant to Alice and the management at the time though, and as Albums ( by anyone) go, it's not that terrible . I still play it much more than I do "Abbey road"( Which is, IMO, a VASTLY Over-rated album, with a few good tracks...and That's coming from a Beatles fan...)
And, for the record, can I state publically that I think NMLAYC is a pretty good catchy disco-ey tune!! and I also have left instructions for "My God" to be played at my (Eventual) Funeral...just to surprise whichever Non-Alice fans/attendees who may be bothered to show up.... :grin:
'My God' had the potential to be an excellent track if only they'd kept it to the opening organ motif, instead of piling in all those 'rawk' instruments; they overwhelm Alice's vocals, making it difficult to decipher the words, and, for me, strip away any intended spirituality. The same applies to 'I Never Wrote Those Songs' - thoughtful lyrics, effective vocal - where a simple piano accompaniment, rather than the additional syrupy strings/brass, would have created a much more emotional experience; and as for that looooooonnnnng pause - how 'lame' is that?!

'You and Me' is another track where the over-sugary, lacklustre instrumentation detracts from what could have been an affecting, concise ballad. (Jimmy Webb's arrangements on Glen Campbell records are a masterclass in brilliant orchestration.) A 'L&W Naked' - like Paul McCartney's stripping away the layers of 'Let It Be' - would be interesting. (Incidentally, as another Beatles fan, I think 'Abbey Road' is also vastly overrated.)

Re your comments on funeral music:- there are quite a few ST 'oldies' on here - like me - and I wonder if anyone else has reflected on that yet? I've thought about having 'I Never Cry'.

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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by pitkin88 » Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:38 pm

Ballads, disco, country, lack luster rockabilly and a silly film noire detective character that was completely uninteresting. Directionless rather than diverse. I really wish it had been shelved and that someone had had his ear and told him it was crap. Laid back drivel with Ezrin and a host of others. Too much coke and sunbathing and hanging around the pool with Mickey Dolenz.

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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by Rhapsody of Fire » Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:25 pm

pitkin88 wrote:Ballads, disco, country, lack luster rockabilly and a silly film noire detective character that was completely uninteresting. Directionless rather than diverse. I really wish it had been shelved and that someone had had his ear and told him it was crap. Laid back drivel with Ezrin and a host of others. Too much coke and sunbathing and hanging around the pool with Mickey Dolenz.
Negative criticism, again.... BTW, it's film noir, not noire.

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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by Mr.Bluelegs » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:12 pm

Hey, Mickey Dolenz is cool.

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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by pitkin88 » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:22 pm

Rhapsody of Fire wrote:
pitkin88 wrote:Ballads, disco, country, lack luster rockabilly and a silly film noire detective character that was completely uninteresting. Directionless rather than diverse. I really wish it had been shelved and that someone had had his ear and told him it was crap. Laid back drivel with Ezrin and a host of others. Too much coke and sunbathing and hanging around the pool with Mickey Dolenz.
Negative criticism, again.... BTW, it's film noir, not noire.

Yes we must all love everything. Thanks for the help with my speling. Skools out!!

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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by Rhapsody of Fire » Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:38 am

pitkin88 wrote:
Rhapsody of Fire wrote:
pitkin88 wrote:Ballads, disco, country, lack luster rockabilly and a silly film noire detective character that was completely uninteresting. Directionless rather than diverse. I really wish it had been shelved and that someone had had his ear and told him it was crap. Laid back drivel with Ezrin and a host of others. Too much coke and sunbathing and hanging around the pool with Mickey Dolenz.
Negative criticism, again.... BTW, it's film noir, not noire.

Yes we must all love everything. Thanks for the help with my speling. Skools out!!
I didn't say that you must all love everything. It's your right to dislike this album, but you don't have the right to denigrate it. Sorry for the French spelling lesson. As for me, I don't mind to be corrected if I do an error in English, it's the only way to get perfect.

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Re: Lace & Whiskey and Maurice Escargot

Post by pitkin88 » Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:45 am

Yes we must all love everything. Thanks for the help with my speling. Skools out!![/quote]

I didn't say that you must all love everything. It's your right to dislike this album, but you don't have the right to denigrate it. Sorry for the French spelling lesson. As for me, I don't mind to be corrected if I do an error in English, it's the only way to get perfect. [/quote]

Please show me where in the rules it says you cannot denigrate an album. How about you actually commenting on the album rather than being all perturbed like?

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