Memories, other songs and Billion Dollar Babies reunion?

Alice Cooper co-founder and Hall Of Fame inductee Dennis Dunaway answers your questions!

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Memories, other songs and Billion Dollar Babies reunion?

Post by Gaétan » Fri Mar 12, 2021 9:37 pm

Hello Dennis,

1) I guess many different things happened to you during the Alice Cooper Group years, but which are the memories that stand out the most from the rest? (maybe some things you laugh about now thinking back on them, or just things that really were incredible to you).

2) Would you have liked some other songs to make it on the albums instead of the songs that ended on them, if yes which ones would be replaced?

3) Like many people, I really would love to see the original Alice Cooper group reuniting for at least one full album again
but is there also a chance to ever hear a new album by the Billion Dollar Babies band again?

Thank you for taking the time to answer to your fans! :)

PS: I really hope Blue Coupe could come to Strasbourg, France someday once everything is back to normal again.

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Re: Memories, other songs and Billion Dollar Babies reunion?

Post by Dreary » Sat Mar 13, 2021 4:56 am

Most of my favorite memories are best explained in my book. That's one reason why I wrote it - so I wouldn't have to keep answering certain questions over and over. That said, here's a story that isn't in the book. When the band was traveling from town to town in a station wagon, and we would stop at truck stops along the highway, Michael was known to be the last to get back into the car, so one time, we drove away without him. Of course we came back, but we took long enough to worry him.
As for songs that didn't make the albums, sure there were a few. Very few. Two albums a year didn't leave much time for extra songs. "Nobody Likes Me" should have been on Pretties For You. Some others, like "Slick Black Limousine" and "Tornado Warning" didn't really deserve to make the final cut.
If anything ever would happen concerning the original group, I wouldn't be at liberty to talk about it until after Alice announced it.

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